Tips to extend the life of your garage door
Sometimes our Garage Door Repair Hapeville technicians are asked if it is possible to extend the life of a garage door. The answer is yes, it is! Like any other appliance or piece of hardware, your garage door lasts according to use, care and a few other factors. Actually, the correct answer depends on a lot of other factors. How was your garage door maintained before you had it? Was it installed correctly? Did it get much use? Are your garage door parts of good quality, or did the previous owner go “cheap” and insist on poorer condition hardware in order to save a few dollars? Here in Hapeville, Georgia, we have high humidity and cold winters. Weather can play a big part of how long your garage door lasts, too! What’s the average? People always want to know statistics; well, here’s some. On average, a garage door lasts for about for 3 decades or longer with regular use. Your garage door springs have life that is measured in cycles. One garage door opening and one closing is equal...